Return to Innocence:

Inspirational Encounters with Baja’s Friendly Whales

San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur

Dates: February & March 2023

If you’re a Nature Lover who seeks insight from Animal Wisdom, who’s Young at Heart and is ready to revel in the Magic of Playfulness, then join me for a Life-Changing Experience where the Friendly Whales of Baja, as our Teachers, inspire us to Trust, to Play, and to Live in the Now.

Bobbing gently atop the blue-green waters of the Pacific lagoon, you scan the shimmering horizon that seems to go on forever, squinting under the radiant desert sun. An osprey flies overhead with a fish in his talons, announcing his catch to the world with soft whistles and chirps.

Off in the distance, you spot the unmistakable heart-shaped blow of a Gray Whale’s breath. Then another. And another. A childlike giddiness spreads from your insides outward as you realize You are in the Magical Realm of the Gray Whales.

Suddenly, without warning, a powerful exhale of air—“Pfffuuussssshhh!”—mists you directly in your face. A squeal of surprise and delight escapes you as you peer over the edge of your boat, and you gasp—You’re looking directly into the eye of a whale calf…
and he’s staring right back into yours.

Your heart races as you take each other in. You didn’t even notice when your mind chatter stopped. You’re fully present, your heart’s wide open, your intuition is flowing. Mother whale, ever-vigilant, surfaces a few meters away and lets out a lackadaisical breath.
“I trust you,” she conveys to you, and you understand. 

You reach your hand down into the cool water and splash around as an invitation. The curious calf glides over and meets your hand with his head, before showing off with a spy-hop and a splash. Before you know it, you’re fully engaged and communing with your new cetacean friend—laughing, cheering, and being Only Here, Now, and Nowhere Else.
Friendly Whales of Baja Tail and Spout

What can you expect to experience if you come spend six unforgettable days with us, surrounded by Pristine Nature, where the Wild West meets the Pacific Coast?

  • You’ll experience the REAL Baja Sur and participate in community-based projects that help preserve local ecosystems and livelihoods.
  • You’ll frolic with the Friendly Whales of Baja, immersing yourself in the NOW through the Poetry of PLAY, loving each moment for what it is.
  • You’ll visit remote, stunning, one-of-a-kind landscapes that are filled with unique, protected biodiversity and feel like you have it all to yourself.
  • Through channeling the True Teachers—Nature, Animals, and your Inner Child—you’ll unlock your soul’s innate genius and sense of spirit so you can remember how to live freely and unapologetically.
  • You’ll meet likeminded people that understand how everything in this world is connected and that value the importance of SOLIDARITY.
Friendly Whales of Baja Mom and Calf San Ignacio Lagoon
The San Ignacio Lagoon is the ONLY undeveloped protected Gray Whale breeding and birthing ground in the World!

Pacific Gray Whales were hunted by whalers to near-extinction three different times, which put them on the defensive for decades when it came to sharing their lagoon with humans.

Our gracious hosts at the San Ignacio Lagoon were the first local fisherman family to brave a friendly whale interaction in the Baja lagoon in 1972. By the end of the day their father was rubbing and scratching the whale’s head and belly like a giant water dog!

He was dubbed “The Grandfather of the Whales”, and today his family works as a team to keep his legacy alive. They’ve been introducing new friends to their cetacean family, with utmost respect, ever since. 

Come meet San Ignacio’s Graciously Friendly Whales and their Playful Calves with us! You’ll be supporting a very important sustainable ecotourism movement piloted by resilient local families that care deeply about making your experience unforgettable.


You’ll be received by our host family with great vibes and an authentic desire to share their world with you. They’ve converted their land into a rustic and spacious eco-camp, complete with seven solar-powered coastline cabañas, dry (sawdust) composting toilets, and an Earthship Gathering Center built using recycled materials and earth plaster. 

  • Three cabañas sleep two people and have a shared bath
  • Four cabañas sleep two to three people and have private baths
  • Each of the seven cabañas’ lagoon-facing walls have oversized windows so that you can lose yourself as you gaze at the tranquil waters from the comfort of your bed.
You’ll appreciate the simplicity, spaciousness, and comfort of the layout, whose minimalist-yet-personable design accentuates the raw and pristine essence of the surrounding wilderness. Taking care of the land and leaving minimal impact is of utmost importance. 

The dry sawdust composting toilets are a responsible (and odorless!) ecological choice. Water is a scarce commodity in the desert. The fresh sawdust gives the baños a pleasant woodshop fragrance and helps with the natural process of returning everything to the earth over time. 

The Earthship Gathering Center is the hub of the land, and it’s where you’ll most likely be found when you’re not out playing with whales. Here you’ll enjoy meals, drinks, trade whale tales with camp staff and visitors alike, peruse the natural history library, and watch the most spectacular sunsets over the water every evening. 


We’ll spend the majority of our journey in rural areas enjoying locally sourced food prepared by local families who know how to cook with love, meaning you won’t find fresher ingredients or more mind-blowing meals around.

Prepare to eat locally caught seasonal fish, harvested lagoon shellfish, sizzling chiles rellenos, mind-blowing guacamole appetizers, the zestiest house made salsas you’ve ever sampled, and more surprises!

Other typical regional dishes include Machaca Burritos (traditional dehydrated meat that’s rehydrated when sautéed with vegetables), Chilaquiles (a breakfast dish with softened corn tortilla strips, eggs, and beans),fish and shrimp tacos, date pie, date bread, rice, beans, and homemade tortillas (both corn and flour). 

Are you vegetarian, pescatarian, vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, or have any other dietary needs? No problem! Please let us know if that’s you when you register so we can let our hosts know in advance.



We’ll be crossing the very expansive and diverse Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve, which stretches all the way across the peninsula–from the Gulf of California to the Pacific coast.

Along our journey, we’ll travel through marine, coastal, desert, and mountainous ecosystems, visiting Magical Pueblos, Oasis Towns, and Fishing Villages along both coastlines. 

You’ll meet resilient communities dedicated to the conservation of their beautiful land and traditional ways of life. You’ll also find a great abundance and variety of flora and fauna, much of which is endemic and endangered, including over 400 plant species, hundreds of migratory bird species, 64 mammal species, and of course—the Kings and Queens of our destination—The Majestic Gray Whales.

*Order of activities/dates may be subject to change

Our journey begins with your arrival into the magical coastal town of Loreto, one of Mexico’s designated Pueblos Mágicos.

The backdrop will stun you: Loreto is situated where the beautiful blue gulf waters meet the surrounding Sierra de la Giganta mountains and the burnt-orange mystical Sonoran desert. 

We’ll be there to receive you at the airport, and once we’re all together, we’ll have a light meal and have our first in-person check-in. Then we’ll drive across to the San Ignacio Lagoon, check into our lodging, and gather for dinner.

* if you would like to come earlier or stay later for some additional exploring, please contact me for more information regarding additional excursions, private tours, extended lodging, or travel planning ideas.

As we continue towards the Pacific coast, the terrain gives way to an expansive, pastel desert horizon made of shimmering salt flats.

A sense of awe will overcome you as the San Ignacio Lagoon—the only undeveloped protected Gray Whale breeding ground in the world—comes into view.

The Lagoon is also home to four species of endangered marine sea turtles (Leatherback, Olive Ripleys, Green, and Hawksbill), Bottlenose Dolphins, California Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and many species of seabirds such as Reddish Egrets, White Ibis, Elegant Terns, Brant Geese, Ospreys, and more!

We’ll spend three full days on the water, hanging out with the magnificent gray whales in the San Ignacio Lagoon–their winter breeding and birthing grounds.

These famously ‘friendly’ 45-foot long whales and their calves are curious creatures and enjoy checking out humans that come to visit their sanctuary.

In addition to their spy-hopping and breaching behavior, they may approach our boats to eyeball us, trade splashes with us, and in some instances even receive pets or kisses from us.

A welcoming site, the lush, green, volcanic oasis town of San Ignacio is the birthplace of one of the only rivers of Baja Sur.

San Ignacio is called Kadakaamán in the native Cochimí language, which is believed to mean “Red Grass River”.

You’ll appreciate the zen pace of life as you reintegrate after having communed with whales in Nature for a few days. Step into the laid back plaza, shaded by the leafy canopy of magnificent trees, and accept the town’s invitation to pause and just…BE.

After three whale-filled days at the San Ignacio Lagoon, we’ll say goodbye and head back to the oasis town of San Ignacio after breakfast. We’ll visit the plaza, the Mission, and the Cave Art Museum. Then we’ll head to the Gulf of California coastline, stopping in la Bahia Concepción for some food and drinks on a stunning beach, where life is as it’s been for half a century.

In the late afternoon we’ll make our way back to Loreto, check into our lodging, and have a farewell dinner and a closing check-in.

After breakfast, you’ll have this half day to spend as you please:

Explore the historic town, go souvenir shopping, hang out at the beach….


Embark on a 4 to 5-hour excursion through Loreto Bay National Marine Park in search of the largest mammal on earth: The Blue Whale** (additional costs apply).

*if you would like to come earlier or stay later for some additional exploring, please contact me for more information regarding additional excursions or travel planning ideas.

**This excursion will return to Loreto between 1 and 2 pm. Plan your flights accordingly. If you would like to stay in Loreto for another night and want help coordinating logistics, please contact me.

La Paz Optional Extension*

Want to Experience MORE Close Encounters with Mega Marine Fauna amidst Paradisiacal Landscapes?

Say YES to our journey’s extension to La Paz and the Gulf of California, the World’s Living Aquarium, and LIVE ALL OF IT:

  • Snorkel alongside 45-foot long Whale Sharks as these Gentle Giants glide serenely through the warm coastal waters, feeding on plankton.
  • Frolic in the Sea with Playful Sea Lions as they zip and dance all around you while you snorkel off the islands they inhabit.
  • Cheer on Breaching Humpback Whales from your Sunset Catamaran Cruise with sorbet colors reflecting off the sea as your backdrop.

For those joining us on the extension, we’ll make our way from Loreto to La Paz (approximately 5 hour drive) where we’ll spend an additional 4 days and 3 nights immersing ourselves even deeper into the Magical Big Blue Realm. You’ll be brimming with joy and rejuvenation by the time you head home.

*Additional costs apply.
Please note: You must book your return flight from La Paz International Airport (LAP) instead of from Loreto. Contact me if you would like help with this.

Top 8 Reasons For Not Missing This Adventure

  1. Our small group size!
  2. The San Ignacio Lagoon is the ONLY undeveloped protected breeding ground for Gray Whales IN THE WORLD.
  3. The boats we’ll ride are small (21-23 feet long) and seat a maximum of 8-10 passengers. Mama Whales are 45 feet long. ‘Intimate Experience with Whales’ is an understatement.
  4. You’ll never forget the first time you gaze into a whale’s eye and realize they’re gazing right back into yours.
  5. Our host family were the FIRST lagoon residents to make friends and play with the whales. They grew up sharing their home and introducing their whale friends to visitors since the 1970s.
  6. Have you ever eaten fresh, hand-harvested oysters? Hatchet scallop? Fresh dates?
  7. Have you ever had an opportunity to kiss a whale before?
  8. You’ll be supporting a sustainable ecotourism movement piloted by local families that care deeply about making your experience unforgettable!

Isn’t it time you let your playful spirit out and let yourself get silly, be in the moment, and got WOWED by Mother Nature?
The Whales will show you how….

Get ready for the kind of Innate Joy that makes your face hurt from laughing and smiling so much
And a sense of Timelessness that exists when you accept their invitation to be Present and Nowhere Else.

When you’re dancing with wild animals, all of your senses are online.
The Whales will set the example for you to stop thinking and start tuning into your gut and trusting your instincts.

What’s Included

  • 5 nights of double or triple occupancy lodging 
  • Biosphere Reserve Entrance Fees at the Lagoon
  • 3 full days (six excursions) of Whale Tours 
  • Tour Guides
  • Gratuities 
  • 6 Breakfasts, 6 Lunches, 6 Dinners, 3 Happy Hours
  • 1 Beverage per Meal
  • Transportation to/from the airport (at designated times only)
  • Round Trip Ground Transportation from Loreto to San Ignacio Town, San Ignacio Lagoon, Bahia Concepción, and back to Loreto
  • El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve Daily Park Pass
  • IVA taxes

What’s Not Included

  • Round-Trip Airfare from home*
  • Any extra activities or equipment on beaches such as renting kayaks, snorkel equipment, fishing equipment, hiring a boat and guide, etc. 
  • Extra Meals & Drinks not listed
  • Other non-included items would include souvenir shopping, personal phone calls, spa services, taxis, or laundry
  • Personal, Medical, or Trip Cancellation insurance
  • Optional Isla Coronado Island Visit and Blue Whale Tour in Loreto Bay National Marine Park require reservations and have a passenger minimum; payment must be received NO LATER THAN one week prior to the trip’s starting date

*If you’d like help or advice for booking flights, please contact me

About Your Guide

Tour Guide and Naturalist Victoria Africano
Victoria Africano

Every Winter I migrate to the San Ignacio Lagoon, same as the whales. I get to see old whale tails, meet new whale faces, and watch the little ones grow until they are big and strong enough to embark on their Northern Migration in the Spring.

I’ve been collaborating with the San Ignacio Lagoon community since 2016. Human impact and climate change have altered the ecology and their livelihoods, and I’m truly inspired by the exemplary resilience and leadership they show in turning things around and forging ahead. For their sake, for the Whale’s sake, and for Mother Earth’s sake.

I’m proud to consider myself a collaborator, liaison, and an extended part of their family.

About Your CFO

Mexican Street Dog Pichi Pangui in Baja
Pichi Pangui

A Baja Native, Pichi Pangui (pronounced Peachy Pan-ghee) is much more than a tough little terrier mutt. She’s a big, smiling heart with four legs and a tail.

She is very friendly, intelligent, perceptive, and gets on with all sorts of animals—two legged, four legged, no legged. She is very helpful in opening hearts and offering comfort, and she works as a Therapy Dog when she’s not out exploring the world.

As Chief Fun Officer, Pichi Pangui will make sure everybody is feeling alright, feeling present and not too much in their heads. She’s open for Therapy Sessions during our time together if you need some one-on-one with her.


  • Prices are set as double or triple occupancy (Please indicate if you want to room with someone specific).
  • A surcharge of $120 per night will be added if you wish to reserve a single occupancy room or cabin instead.
  • The name of the airport is the Loreto International Airport in the state of Baja California Sur (BCS); the airport code is LTO. It’s a small airport that has direct flights from select cities in the US, Canada, and Mexico (listed).
  • Calgary
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • Phoenix
  • Dallas
  • Tijuana (accessible from San Diego Airport)
  • La Paz
  • Puerto Peñasco
  • If there are no quick connections where you’re coming from, you may want to book two flights instead of one (1. home –> connection airport; 2. connection airport –> LTO). This might save you a lot of time.

  • Absolutely. If you have any dietary restrictions, allergies, or preferences PLEASE indicate when registering for this trip so that we can let our hosts know in advance.
  • We’ll spend most of our trip in rural areas where food is locally sourced.  
  • You can expect to be offered a lot of seafood including seasonal fish, shellfish (shrimp, scallops, oysters, octopus), chicken, machaca burritos (traditional dehydrated meat, typically beef, which is rehydrated when sautéed with vegetables such as onions and peppers). 
  • Other staples include rice and handmade tortillas (both corn and flour).
  • Most of the roads are paved and in great condition; however these roads are narrow and consist only of two lanes. 
  • Some rural roads are dirt, gravel, or sand. 
  • Approximate driving times are indicated on the itinerary.
  • Yes! Though it may not be as hefty as what you’re used to back home. Our lodging has WIFI that will support basic services (messages and emails and checking in with loved ones, but maybe not uploading photos or videos very quickly). 
  • Some areas where we’ll be traveling do not have phone reception.
  • My recommendation is that you keep your phone in airplane mode when you’re using it to take photos and to enjoy being here, now, as much as you can allow yourself to.
  • A $795 non-refundable Deposit is required at time of registration.
  • Your Reservation is not confirmed until your Deposit has been received.
  • Your Balance is due by December 15, 2022.
  • Any cancellation made between December 15, 2022 and January 15, 2023 will result in a loss of 50% of the trip price.
  • Any cancellation made between January 15, 2023 and the trip departure will result in a total loss of funds. 
  • We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it does not meet the trip minimum (if we do so your deposit will be refunded in full). 
  • Trip cancellation insurance is always recommended whenever making travel plans. You can use our suggested Travel Guard Insurance online and choose from several policy options.

The more the merrier! 

  • Despite stories that infiltrate US media, Baja is generally a safe place to travel. It is statistically safer than many cities in the US. 
  • Most of the violence that you hear about in Mexico is related to narco-trafficking and takes places in border towns. 
  • We’ll be mostly in rural areas as far away as you can get from the border town of Tijuana and the bustling, tourist-laden Cabo San Lucas.
  • January through early April is the coolest time of the year in Baja. The dry desert air can be chilly and windy so don’t forget your jacket, waterproof windbreaker/shell and warm hat.  
  • The strong desert sun can be intense during the day though (especially when out on the water because of its reflection); the local fishermen usually wear long sleeves, long pants, sun-protecting hats, face shields and sunglasses.  
  • The Gulf of California side’s air and water temperatures are warmer than the Pacific side’s.  
  • Temperatures may be between the 60’s and 90’s during the day and the 40’s and 60’s during the night along our route through Baja Sur.  
  • The average rainfall for the regions we will visit are 0.4″ during February and March.  
  • Travel Documents: Passport, Trip Insurance Documents, Copies of your passport and documents, Tourist Visa (the airline will provide this during your flight).
  • Please leave a copy of your passport, drivers license, credit cards, airline tickets, trip insurance documents, and any reservation information that you’ve prepaid at home with a friend or family member, in case of an emergency.
  • Money: Credit cards are accepted by most larger restaurants, shops, and gas stations but not by smaller establishments. Both Mexican Pesos and US Dollars are accepted widely. Please keep in mind that the exchange rate does fluctuate. If you’re using US dollars for payment, your exchange rate may vary.
  • Please keep in mind that Baja California is a desert climate, which means there is a large temperature fluctuation between day and night. LAYERS (and a day pack) are the way to go.
  • Jacket shell / Windbreaker
  • Warm fleece or jacket (nights and mornings can be cold)
  • Sweater / Sweatshirt
  • Warm hat / Beanie
  • Quick-dry pants / water-resistant shell for pants
  • Long and short sleeve shirts
  • Convertible pants / lightweight pants
  • Shorts
  • Socks
  • Warm sleep outfit
  • Personal sleeping bag for added warmth if you get cold easily
  • Sunglasses, Sun Hat (preferably with a chin strap for breezy days), Biodegradable Sunscreen, Lip Balm
  • Comfortable footwear with good traction
  • Waterproof footwear (tevas, chacos, water shoes, flip flops, rubber boots)
  • Bathing Suit (optional)
  • Towel
  • Toiletries
  • Motion sickness medication (if you are prone to motion sickness)
  • Day Pack
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Camera, charger, extra batteries, SD card
  • Waterproof bag or ziplock to keep personal items dry
  • Flashlight / Headlamp

Have more questions? Please drop a line below


Your Investment

Choose your room type:
$2795 USD Double or Triple Occupancy
$3515 USD Single Occupancy (limited single rooms available)

To Join Us

Send me a message indicating your desired room type and payment method preference for your nonrefundable deposit:

  • Zelle
  • Paypal
  • Venmo
  • Check or Money Order
Terms and Conditions
Cancelation Policy


Petting Friendly Whales of Baja that Swim right up to our boat


You must arrive into the Loreto International Airport (LTO) no later than 3 pm local time (MST).

It’s a small airport that has direct flights from select cities in the US, Canada, and Mexico (listed). If there are no quick connections where you’re coming from, you may want to book two flights instead of one (1. home –> connection airport; 2. connection airport –> LTO). This might save you a lot of time.

If you want help with flights AND/OR if you want to come earlier or stay later for some exploring – contact me. I can help you design something fantastic!

  • Calgary
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • Phoenix
  • Dallas
  • Tijuana (accessible from San Diego Airport)
  • La Paz
  • Puerto Peñasco

Cancellation Policy

  • A $795 non-refundable Deposit is required at time of registration.
  • Your Reservation is not confirmed until your Deposit has been received.
  • Your Balance is due by December 15, 2022.
  • Any cancellation made between December 15 and January 15 will result in a loss of 50% of the trip price.
  • Any cancellation made between January 15, 2023 and the trip departure will result in a total loss of funds. 
  • We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it does not meet the trip minimum. If we do so your deposit will be refunded in full. 
  • We recommend Trip Cancellation Insurance whenever making travel plans. You can use our suggested Travel Guard Insurance online and choose from several policy options.