The ruling passion of my life is being a seeker after truth and the divine.

-Bell Hooks

Follow Your Curiosity

Tour Guide and Naturalist Victoria Africano interacting with an Iguana in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Why does it feel SO GOOD every time we push the pause button in Life and escape into Nature? Why do we feel lighter, renewed, and more vibrant after communing with plants, animals, and natural elements? 

It’s because when we allow ourselves to be fully present and connect with the Wild and the Untamed, all of our innate senses open and flow. Our instinct kicks up and our ability to perceive both inward and outward is full on. 

Thing is, all of our senses are ALWAYS open and flowing. Our instinct is always online and our ability to perceive is always there. Our ATTENTION to these elements is what changes. 

We can learn to be present with our awareness by engaging our CURIOSITY. Tap into the curious, wide-eyed child that lives inside of you. Remember what you loved to wonder about and give that child a turn at the helm while you, the adult, simply OBSERVE. When JUDGEMENT and OPINION inadvertently begin to bubble up, WELCOME THEM. Stay Curious as you Notice Them. 

THIS is what will ultimately reveal so much about yourself—how your beliefs (your identity, ideals, expressions, sensations, reactions, and more) were formed and learned long ago. 

I love using the Experiential Essence of Mother Nature to help people’s curious, childlike nature flow freely. It also helps reveal what isn’t free inside of you. With my guidance, you can safely explore these blocks so that you may understand yourself better and free yourself from these limiting beliefs.

Letting your curiosity flow is the key to your creativity, your potential, and your joy. Follow your curiosity–it’s the treasure map that leads to who you really are. It’s a Journey of Clarity and of Self-Discovery.

Come on an Adventure with me and get inspired by Instinctual Animal Teachers, by Cultures rooted in their Lore, and by Wild Lands shaped by Nature. Where will your curiosity lead you?