Wild Eco-Adventures & Encounters

Guided by Victoria Africano

I guide Experiential Journeys that Connect you with Animals and Mother Nature…

…which opens the door for you to Connect with Your Own Nature!

There’s something SO INSPIRING about experiencing the raw, unapologetic, and pristine essence of Wild Animals. They possess both an innocence and a deep wisdom. They’re Masters of Being because they live HERE and NOW.

Just like children. Which is why I invite EVERYBODY’S Inner Child to come out and meet Mother Nature with all of their raw, unapologetic and pristine essence, and be seen.

Ecotourism Adventures Guided By Victoria Africano in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California. Interactive Gray Whale Watching Tour. Connect with Animals; Connect with Nature.
Describing how our Whale Friends turn on their sides and backs when passing by our boat to get a better look at us.
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Inner Child Healing with Nature Therapy and Eco-Tourism facilitated by Guide and naturalist Victoria Africano. Connect with Animals; Connect with Nature.
I always felt Animals were easier to just BE with and to understand compared to Human Doings. I mean Beings. I later learned that we also know how to BE! We can remember how, and Animals and our Inner Child can show us the way.


Guests are able to:

Cultivate more awareness of self

So we begin to notice our beliefs (identities, expressions, ideals, and embodied emotions) and understand how and why we took them on.

Cultivate more awareness of our surroundings

So we can develop our observational skills, our intuition, our empathy, and compassion.

Connect with Animals and with the Nature that Surrounds you, because YOU are Nature!

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My passions are rooted in my deep love for the Natural World and Environmental Conservation, coupled with my fascination with Somatic Psychology and Human Behavior.

I love living my life immersed in a myriad of cultures and ecosystems. My explorations are spurred on by:

  • the resilience, basic needs and traits all living things share in common
  • the values particular to different groups, and
  • how we all strive to meet them.

A human drive that I see (and recognize in myself) is the need to feel related to because we need to feel like we matter.

I’m at my happiest and most inspired when I can help ignite awareness and appreciation in others so they’re able to see how they’re connected to other species and ecosystems. And to each other. We are all active and integral participants in the Web of Life. 

Over the past two decades I’ve worked as a Naturalist, Ranger, and Tour Guide in Wildlife Conservation and Ecotourism in Latin America, Europe, and Antarctica. Not because I necessarily sought it out, but because that’s just where they’d find me living, loving, playing, and BEing. My curious scientific mindset, childlike explorer’s heart, multicultural upbringing, and profound love for our Living Planet and its Inhabitants give me the courage to experience much of this world first-hand.

Guided by Victoria Africano, surrounded by a Tropical Bounty of Fruits and Flowers in the Amazon Jungle near Iquitos Peru. Connect with Animals; Connect with Nature.
Sensory Overload! The vibrant colors, seductive smells, mouth-watering flavors, and variety of textures of an Amazon Jungle Bounty.

Follow the Squirrel to find out more:

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