You Are Invited: Wild Eco-Adventures & Encounters

Commune with Wild Animals

Share with Gracious Cultures

Explore Pristine Lands

Authentic Eco-Adventures

Connect with Your Curiosity

Awaken Your Senses

Discover What Feeds Your Soul

There’s no better way to be Here/Now, In Your Body and Out Of Your Brain than through Playtime and Connectivity with Animals, with your Surroundings, and with Each Other.

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Whale Watching Like You’ve Never Experienced Before ….

Commune with Baja California’s Friendly Gray Whales in their Only Undeveloped Protected Breeding Area in the World.

Reservations are Now Open for February/March 2023 for this Experience of a Lifetime.

Two Curious and Friendly Gray Whales Come up to our Boat in Baja
Two Curious Gray Whale Calves approach our small boat to check us out

Authentic Eco-Adventures

Disclaimer: Joining me on a Wild Eco-Adventure may bring out your Inner Child.

Side Effects of Wild Eco-Adventures may include but are not limited to:

Playfulness, Spontaneity, Creativity, the Freedom to Be Yourself, Emergence of Emotions, Memories and Beliefs from the Past as well as Hopes and Dreams for the Future.

Grumpy Grown-ups and Bisy Backsons are warned that any previous attempts at repressing or concealing existing Peter Pan Syndrome and/or inner Puers and Puellas may be undermined and become completely undone by joining me on a Wild Eco-Adventure.

Guide and Naturalist Victoria Africano receiving a visitor in the Amazon Jungle near Mera, Ecuador

Blessed are the Curious, for they shall have Adventures.”
-Lovelle Drachman

Authentic Eco-Adventures